Why a funeral with Integrity? Well, for its very name sake. At Integrity Funeral Home, we pride ourselves on caring enough to see your need, compassionate enough to meet your need and committed enough to fulfill your need. With this goal in mind, we will develop an Individualized Funeral Plan (IFP), which is created just for you.
We are committed to making every ceremony personal, meaningful and truly reflective of the love that you have for your loved one. We provide professional services at affordable prices. We can create an Individualized Funeral Plan (IFP) which can be suited for most budgets.

If you prefer memorial services, we have a beautiful, spacious chapel that accommodates up to 250 guests. We service all burial and insurance policies. Call us now at 205-491-1006, and remember "It Shall Be Done With Integrity."

Gaveside Burial Services, also known as a Commital Services, typically happen just after a Funeral Service, but not always. Some prefer to hold the funeral at the graveside just prior to the burial.

Cremation is frequently requested because many people find it to be more convenient and because there are more options with a loved ones remains when they are cremated. A loved one's remains can be kept in a beautiful urn, memorial stone or columbarian, or the ashes can be scattered somewhere very maningful. Many times families will also have a Memorial Service where the Urn is present, allowing the family a way to celebrate the life of that loved one..

Please know that whichever service that you select, we will take care of your loved one with respect and Integrity and will provide you with a very meaningful service.